What is the solution to the cube puzzle trick?

How to Solve the Cube Puzzle Trick?

The cube puzzle trick, also known as the Rubik’s Cube, is a popular and challenging puzzle that has fascinated people for decades. Solving this puzzle requires a combination of logic, strategy, and patience. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of solving the cube puzzle trick, along with some tips and tricks to help you master this mind-boggling puzzle.

Understanding the Cube Puzzle Trick

Before we dive into the solving process, let’s first understand the cube puzzle trick and its components. The Rubik’s Cube is a 3x3x3 cube puzzle with six faces, each consisting of nine smaller squares. The goal is to arrange the cube in such a way that each face is a single color.

Each face of the cube can be rotated independently, allowing for a vast number of possible combinations. The cube starts in a scrambled state, with the colors mixed up on each face. Your task is to solve the puzzle by manipulating the cube’s movements to restore each face to a single color.

The Notation System

Before we proceed, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the notation system used to describe the cube’s movements. The Rubik’s Cube notation consists of letters that represent different rotations:

  • F: Rotate the front face clockwise.
  • B: Rotate the back face clockwise.
  • R: Rotate the right face clockwise.
  • L: Rotate the left face clockwise.
  • U: Rotate the upper face clockwise.
  • D: Rotate the bottom face clockwise.
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Additionally, an apostrophe (‘) after a letter denotes a counterclockwise rotation, and a number 2 after a letter indicates a double rotation.

The Step-by-Step Solution

Now that we understand the basics, let’s dive into the step-by-step solution for solving the cube puzzle trick:

Step 1: Solving the First Layer

The first step is to solve the first layer of the cube. Start by choosing a color to solve first; it’s usually best to begin with the white or yellow face. Look for a corner piece with the chosen color and locate its matching edge piece. Position the corner piece correctly and insert the edge piece to complete the first layer.

Repeat this process for the remaining three corner-edge pairs until the first layer is complete. This step requires careful observation and planning to ensure the pieces are correctly positioned.

Step 2: Solving the Second Layer

Once the first layer is complete, it’s time to move on to the second layer. Look for an unsolved edge piece on the middle layer that matches the color of the center piece on the top face. Position the unsolved edge piece directly below its correct location and perform the following algorithm:

R U R’ U’

This algorithm will move the edge piece into its correct position while preserving the first layer.

Repeat this process for the remaining three unsolved edge pieces until the second layer is complete.

Step 3: Solving the Top Layer Cross

With the first two layers solved, it’s time to focus on solving the top layer. Start by inspecting the top layer to determine if there is a cross already formed. If not, perform the following algorithms to create a cross:

F R U R’ U’ F’

This algorithm will create a cross on the top layer, with the center color matching the center color of the adjacent faces.

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Step 4: Orienting the Top Layer Corners

Once the cross is formed, the next step is to orient the top layer corners correctly. Inspect the top layer to identify any corner pieces that need to be rotated. Perform the following algorithm to rotate the corners:

R U R’ U’ R U2 R’

This algorithm will rotate the corners until they are correctly positioned.

Step 5: Permuting the Top Layer Corners

With the corners oriented correctly, the final step is to permute the top layer corners. This step involves swapping the positions of the corner pieces until they are in their correct locations. Perform the following algorithm to achieve this:

U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L

Repeat this algorithm until all the corners are in their correct positions.

Tips and Tricks

Solving the cube puzzle trick can be challenging, but with practice and the following tips and tricks, you can improve your solving skills:

  • Memorize the algorithms: Learning and memorizing the various algorithms used in solving the cube can significantly speed up your solving time.
  • Practice finger dexterity: Developing finger dexterity and speed will help you execute the algorithms more efficiently.
  • Look ahead: As you solve one layer, try to anticipate the next moves and plan your strategy accordingly.
  • Break it down: If you find the entire cube too overwhelming, break it down into smaller sections and solve them one at a time.


The cube puzzle trick, or Rubik’s Cube, is a challenging and addictive puzzle that has captivated millions of people worldwide. By following the step-by-step solution outlined in this article and practicing regularly, you can become a master at solving this mind-boggling puzzle. Remember, solving the cube requires patience, perseverance, and a deep understanding of the puzzle’s mechanics. So, grab your cube, get solving, and enjoy the journey of unraveling this timeless puzzle!

Editor’s Opinion

The cube puzzle trick, also known as the Rubik’s Cube, is an iconic puzzle that continues to captivate puzzle enthusiasts of all ages. Its intricate design and countless possible combinations make it a challenging and rewarding puzzle to solve. While the step-by-step solution provided in this article offers a systematic approach to solving the cube, it’s important to note that solving the cube requires practice and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t solve it on your first try. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to solve the cube with ease. Happy cubing!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How long does it take to solve the cube puzzle trick?

A1: The time it takes to solve the cube puzzle trick varies depending on the individual’s skill level and experience. Beginners may take several minutes or even hours to solve the cube, while advanced solvers can solve it in under a minute.

Q2: Are there different sizes of cube puzzles?

A2: Yes, there are cube puzzles available in various sizes, ranging from the standard 3x3x3 cube to larger sizes like 4x4x4, 5x5x5, and even more complex variations.

Q3: Can I use online resources or apps to help me solve the cube puzzle trick?

A3: Yes, there are numerous online resources, tutorials, and mobile apps available that provide step-by-step instructions and algorithms to help you solve the cube puzzle trick.

A4: Yes, there are several world records associated with solving the cube puzzle trick. These records include the fastest single solve, fastest average solve, and various other categories based on solving techniques and cube sizes.

Q5: Can the cube puzzle trick be solved using only one algorithm?

A5: No, solving the cube puzzle trick requires a combination of algorithms and strategies. While there are algorithms that can solve specific scenarios, a complete solution involves multiple algorithms and a deep understanding of the puzzle’s mechanics.


  • Rubik’s Cube Official Website – www.rubiks.com
  • CubeSkills – www.cubeskills.com
  • Speedsolving.com – www.speedsolving.com
  • The Simple Solution to Rubik’s Cube by James G. Nourse



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